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Tree Removals Partially Due to Hypoxylon Canker in Ridgely, MD

June 12, 2024

Tree Removals Partially Due to Hypoxylon Canker in Ridgely, MD

A client from Ridgely, MD contacted us regarding the need for multiple tree removals due to various issues. These issues included a hollow Beech tree, a dead White Oak covered with Hypoxylon canker by the driveway, another White Oak leaning towards the garage, a Red Oak with significant die back due to a large trunk wound with rotting and decay, and a large dead Virginia Pine tree lodged in an adjacent oak. The dead Virginia Pine had endured numerous storms and remained hanging in the tree, but for the safety of passersby on the road, the client opted to have the tree removed while we were on site.

Trees with rotting wounds, hollow centers, and diseases like Hypoxylon Canker are often removed to ensure the safety of homeowners and their property.

Hypoxylon Canker, a fairly commonly occurring pathogen, has the potential to kill trees that are already experiencing stress caused by various factors such as drought, over-watering, poor soil drainage, root injury, or environmental conditions. Unfortunately, there is no treatment available for this canker. It is recommended to promptly remove dead wood, primarily for safety reasons. In cases where the infection is active in living wood, particularly in the trunk, it may be necessary to opt for complete tree removal.

If the location of the infected tree does not pose a risk to the well-being of individuals or potential damage to property upon its eventual collapse, keeping it can be a practical and cost-effective choice. This is because dead and dying wood can hold significant value for wildlife, and the fungus responsible for the canker may not necessarily pose a threat to nearby trees if they are in a healthy state. Otherwise, it will likely need to be removed for safety reasons and because it cannot be treated. Our certified arborist can conduct a thorough inspection of the tree on-site to diagnose its condition and identify potential sources of stress that could be addressed. It is important to acknowledge that not all conditions can be treated, and sometimes tree decline has been ongoing for a considerable period before noticeable symptoms appear, making it more challenging to trace the origin of a disease or pest issue.

-, visited 6/12/24

Location: Ridgely, MD

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