Storm Damaged Tree Removal Performed in Easton, Maryland
May 23, 2024

Our client from Easton, Maryland contacted us regarding a fallen limb on their Bradford Pear tree. Since the tree was already decaying, they opted for a complete tree removal. After completing another project in the Easton area, we made sure to stop by and address this issue. Bradford pear trees are prone to developing weak branch attachments, which can result in breakages during storms or high winds. By regularly pruning these weak branches, we can significantly reduce the risk of damage and ensure the tree remains healthy. At Collins Tree Experts, we possess comprehensive knowledge in tree care, including the skill of pruning to improve tree density, allowing better airflow and light penetration. Pruning is crucial for preserving tree health and is often an effective approach to combatting common tree diseases, such as fungal infections like powdery mildew. Early detection and careful removal of affected branches can prevent further harm. It is important to remember that dead or broken branches pose safety hazards during storms, potentially causing damage to properties. Properly trimmed branches are far less likely to break and cause any harm.
In some situations, such as this one, the owner opts for a tree removal because of the likelihood of failure in the future. Bradford Pears are a commonly planted tree in the Easton, Maryland area and all around the Eastern Shore. They are best maintained by regular pruning to avoid branch failure.
We completed this tree removal job by grinding the stump, allowing our customers, if desired, to plant a new tree in its place. Stump grinding is a great way to finish a tree removal and plant another, better suited tree for the area!
Location: Easton, MD
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Products Used
Stihl chainsaws, Vermeer stump grinder,